Directory of Services

Caterhatch Children’s Centre

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  3. Enfield
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  5. Caterhatch Children’s Centre
Autumn Close, Enfield, London EN1 4JY

First Time Parenting Programme - Tue 1:00-2:00pm (call to book), Wed 12:45-2:30pm

Antenatal Checks - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings (by appointment only)

Baby Stay and Play - Mon 10:00-11:30am, Mon 1:00-2:30pm, Tue 9:15-10:45am, Thu 9:15-10:45am

Child Health Reviews - Mon and Thu mornings, Tue and Thu afternoons (2 year olds, by appointment only)

Breast Feeding Support - Mon 1-2:30pm

Law and Advice Services - Wed 9:30-2:00pm; a trained adviser will be available to provide one-to-one consultations covering welfare, benefits and debt advice, housing, etc. (call to book)

Perinatal Mental Health - Tues morning & Wed 12:30-2:30pm (by appointment only); service for parents-to-be and parents with babies under 18 months finding things more difficult than expected, feeling low or depressed, and/or concerned they haven't formed a bond with their child

Contact Information
Phone: 0208 441 7728