Directory of Services
Whittington Hospital
Magdala Avenue, Islington, London N19 5NF
We're here for you from the very start of your pregnancy, through to the birth of your baby and beyond, to guide and support you through this exciting time in your life.
Specialist maternity services offered at Whittington include:
- 1:1 midwife support
- 24 hour telephone support with access to community team midwives
- Antenatal and postnatal screening services, including a hearing team and BCG vacinations
- Perinatal mental health support
- Diabetic specialist services and clinics
- Obstetric weight and nutrition clinic
- Dedicated midwife for young parents
- Specialist team to support vulnerable women
- Fetal medicine services
- Antenatal classes
- Neonatal unit
- Birth reflections clinic
- VBAC workshops
- Infant feeding specialist team
- Specialist bereavement midwife
- Consultant obstetrician clinic
- Specialist FGM midwife
Alcohol Misuse Service
Antenatal Clinic
Antenatal Screening Service
Bereavement Support Service
Birth Options Clinic
Consultant Obstetrician Clinic
Developmental Checks
Diabetic Services
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
Fetal Medicine Service
FGM Service
Midwife Services
Neonatal Service
Perinatal Mental Health
Postnatal Clinic
Postnatal screening service
Smoking Cessation
Substance Misuse Service
VBAC Clinic
Vulnerable Women Team